Toddler screams nonstop

I have a 19 months old that literally screams all day long. Nothing makes her happy, and yes I've been to her doctor, nothing is wrong with her. She cries about everything. I know that's what toddlers do, but this seems not normal. We are in a hotel for a few weeks and it's been two days and we will probably be kicked out. She screams so loud you can hear her outside the hotel. And it's all fucking day. I hold her, she punches me. She's fed, bathed, has toys, I play with her, I try and keep her busy all day. She's not tired. She has everything, she just screams over everything. I simply tell her no, and shes on the floor screaming, throwing things, banging her head. I put her in time out and she will scream for the next hour, even when I take her out. I feel like I can't take this anymore..

This isn't everyday, just most days.