Help! 1st Cycle of Letrozole with Endometriosis.


Hey there! This is my first post, but I have done a good amount of reading in various groups over the last couple of months. I wanted to reach out and ask about personal experiences that may be similar to mine and what your outcomes were and treatments needed. I'm a 31 yr old, obese at 230lbs and 5'2. My FSH and Lh levels are ok. I had a laproacopy 1.5 years ago to remove 5 endometriomas from both of my ovaries. At the time the surgeon diagnosed me with stage 4 endometriosis, but he did remove over 95% of the endo that was visible to him. I was on Camilla birth control followed by Nexplanon for a total of 8 months following surgery. My husband has minimal male factor fertility concerns.

My fertility specialist recommended Clomid and <a href="">IUI</a> with trigger shot. I requested femara as it has a slightly higher percentage of being effective in women with a BMI over 30, and because half life of the drug leaves the body sooner. I had concerns about Clomid causing irregular cycles and ovarian cysts. I've dealt with cysts and endometriomas (Although I don't have PCOS) so I wanted to try Letrozole first.

What have your experiences been? Has anyone with endo/ post laproscopy been successful with letrozole or have a preference of fertility medication? HSG showed that my tubes are open. Update I triggered last night. Very nauseous since then.

Please share your experience, I'm feeling pretty alone in this! Thank you