I needed to get this off my chest

Grace • Girl mom to two beautiful girls👶🏻👧🏻

I haven't spoken out about this in years but recently saw a picture of (let's call him M) M in my suggested followers on Instagram and got super triggered. I had a grandpa in law on my dads side (very descriptive I know but you know how kids see things. I just saw him as my grandpa) who I loved very much growing up. Around the time that I turned 10, I thought that he favored me over his other granddaughters. (My two sisters) I found it odd but appreciated it. I thought of myself as special. I could ask for anything from him and I would get it. After about a year, I got this gut feeling that something was up. He'd always ask me for kisses on his cheek and always want to hug or pick me up. I started getting a little uncomfortable. I decided at age 11 to call him up and ask him if he had a crush on me. He bluntly responded in his own way that he did. He said he enjoyed when I gave him kisses and said that when I turned 18, he would run away with me if I reciprocated those feelings. I was disgusted. I hung up crying and felt so dirty because of all the things I did to him (kissing, hugging etc) because I saw them as innocent. I felt even more terrible for my grandma who was married to this disgusting man. I knew I had to tell somebody and so I did. I told my grandma on my moms side and she told my mom. Furious, my mom told my dad and it all spun out from there. We didn't see our grandparents for a few months but eventually I was forced to go back. In the end, my dad didn't believe me because my grandma talked to M and he said whatever lie he decided on. I was forced to apologize to him and hug him and forced to see him. A year passed and nothing really happened between M and I. I thought he decided to let it go until one day when I was playing a game on his phone, I decided to go through his camera roll. There was a ton of pictures of me. Zoomed in shots of me bent over. A bunch of provocative photos. Mind you, I was only 12 at the time and I was terrified. My mind raced with thoughts of what he used these pictures for, but who could I tell? Nobody believed me and I didn't want to anger people anymore. So for another 2 years I was forced to put up with his kissing, hugging, squeezing gestures and I also caught him taking a few pictures of me in the process. One where I was getting dressed, another I had come across where I was sleeping. I was forced for years growing up to sleep in the same house as this man. Nobody believed me and as much as I don't like to admit it, this had a huge effect on me growing up. I'll now be 18 this month and haven't seen M in three years. My grandma and him divorced for unknown reasons. I still wonder if it's because she finally found out. I really just wish this man was locked up. I know it's not rape or anything, but he was a grown ass man manipulating a little girl for years. (Sorry, I know that was long but I needed to tell anybody that would listen. Thank you for reading if you did!)