Please always trust your mother's instincts.

Karine 🌷 • Mom of two handsome boys.💙 English is not my native language! Please excuse any mistakes.✌🏻

(WARNING: long post and english is not my native language so prepare to grammar mistake)

Yesterday (for me it still feels like today because I just never slept...) my son woke up with a weird breathing. Looking like he was always forcing for something. The little "Hmmph" sound. (Ok i'm not really good for describing sounds) Anyways. I check his temperature and he was 38.5 so I gave him tylenol. He was really grumpy and sleepy. Just wanted to be in my arms and sleep in there. He had a lower appetite too.

Times goes. Sleep and cry on and off in my arms. He was hot. I checked his temperature again and it was now 39.2 even with tylenol. I was worried and his ped didnt have time for a emergency appointment. So I ran to the hospital.

Arrived to the hospital his fever was 39.3. We waited to see a dr. and my son suddenly felt better. Was smiling at every patient in the ER. I tought "hey he's fine maybe i'm paranoid. We sould go home." But decide to stay. Finally saw the dr. after 9hours of waiting... (living in Québec, Canada. Medical care is free... so we have to wait...) He request a blood test and x-ray.

Poor baby... blood vessel in both arms didnt work. They needed to take the blood test and install the hydratation solution on his head... never saw my boy that much miserable... than he went for his x-ray.

Turn down he got a pneumonia and they're keeping him for the moment. I'm so sad to see him like that... hope he'll get better soon. 😢💔

Before we decide to go to the ER.

and after...

UPDATE!!!! Already getting better! No more fever (yay🙆🏻), got some sleep and ate a few snack + nurse a couple time! Crazy how these little persons can be that strong! 👊

UPDATE 2: Turn out it wasnt even a pneumonia only a viral infection and he's really better now. 🤷🏻 Better taking him to be sure than guess he will be alright!