Don't know how to feel


So wifey and I did 3 inseminations last month (8/20,8/23,8/25). AF was supposed to come 9/5. It's now 9/14 and still no AF, no BFP!!! Wat the heck is going on?!?! I haven't skipped a period in years. I asked the doc if she can order a blood test and she told me if I was pregnant it would show up on an home pregnancy test and yet still negative and still no period. Our donor is all excited that I may be pregnant but I feel like I can't think that now or else I will be heartbroken when it's not true. I'm hoping I am but I'm trying not to get too excited since I still have a BFN.

Has this happened to any of you?

Update: HCG Blood test came back negative and Thyroid levels are normal...I'm even more confused now. I am 2 weeks late no positive results anywhere!!!

How do I track for the next insemination?!