Have you been addicted to Marijuana/Cannabis/Weed


Me and my partner have addictive personalities, once we start something we enjoy it just becomes a thing with us... we started smoking ages ago and managed to give up, we went through a gram at night and we gave up cold turkey. Didn't touch it for about about a year. Then one night we decided to have one puff on a joint and straight hooked again. We now go through about $100 worth a day, we used to buy half an ounce to last us a week but it wouldn't even last us the whole week, we would be fucked, we've done this for about 5 months again, I want to detox, I want to be able to have kids and I'm finding it hard too I want to detox and stop!! But how???? Has anyone been addicted? How did you stop? Help!

UPDATE: Ive taken it off anonymous, and I just want to say thankyou all, I found the will power and I can happily say I've been clean for 5 days now and I don't crave it, I hate the smell, my depression started day one then went away and I had insomnia the first night and now I get tired and sleepy on my own at night around 8 o'clock at night, so I'm extremely proud of myself, I drink a lot of water now and I'm just looking aftermyself. :)