Nobody knows

So it's quite known to me that my MIL was sexually abused as a child by her father. It's horrible. She knows I have severe depression and anxiety and I do a pretty good job of hiding it most days but some days I can't and I'm very zoned out. She can tell when I'm like this and always asks what's wrong and I'll say "oh this happened today and it's just got me down" or "this person said this and I'm on edge" but then she comes in with "well I was molested at 13 so" as if it's a competition and that I'll never know the pain. I don't want to say she means anything rude by it but it just really irks me because I've never told her or anyone, not even, my husband that I was molested for years by a immediate family member. So I do know the pain and it just makes me frustrated but I won't tell her because her situation was probably worse than mine. What else sucks is this family member I'm almost 100% sure thinks I don't remember it because I was only 4-6 years old when it happened until we moved. So when I see them they're still friendly and happy to see me and I have to cringe and act like I don't remember. I'll never tell anyone though outside of an anonymous forum.