when do i test?


ok girlys! I honestly have no idea when im supposed to test! its driving me insane! like for the last almost 2 weeks now I have been feeling almost the same pains i had when i was pregnant with my son. I have been having cramping, I have felt nausea, I have felt like I'm really tired and then ill feel really hyper! i have been feeling dizzy. And I have been eating right. and I've also been feeling really bloated. so I'm just really confused. I never had morning sickness with my, or any symptoms besides the cramping. I still have like 2 weeks be for I start. I tested a couple days ago and yesterday and they were both negative! so could i be pregnant? I also stoped taking my birth control 2 months ago when we deiced to try for another baby. I also misscaried in Feb be for I got put on birth control. in just really confused and dont know if any of this could affect me getting pregnant or if i may be and its just not showing up!? please help! and if none of this makes sense I'm sorry my mind is just everywhere right now because I'm confused!