I feel numb

2 years, many failed cycles, 2 early miscarriages, 1 missed miscarriage, 1 surgery, countless tears, unbearable physical and mental pain, about 1 million blood tests, were expecting once again, ironically, it happened while we weren't tracking, weren't trying, weren't seeing doctors, just trying to get in a better financial and mental place, and it happened. this time it was different. I'm not nervous, I'm not constantly checking for blood, not constantly taking pregnancy tests to confirm it in my brain (although I took quite a few the first couple days in disbelief). and there are no problems. all of my losses I had spotting and hcg not quite increasing as it should, and I was cramping and dry. this time I had no symptoms until 5 weeks, I didn't even think to check for pregnancy until I realized my period was late and my husband said I was crabby as hell. Lol. i give up tho. I'm not getting scared I'm not going to symptom spot. I've given it all to God. It's his. He asks us to give it to him. I did. weight. lifted.