

Hi everyone! I just found this group and I'm super excited about it! My husband and I are 22, we got married in the Nauvoo Illinois Temple on August 11th 2017. We just moved out to Rexburg for school. I have been having baby fever since before we got married and now it's even worse/more. Before we got married we decided to go to the temple with the question on if we should wait to start a family or start trying for one right away. We got our answer in an overwhelming unexpected way that had me crying but not we have doubts because he isnt ready for us to not have it just be us to. He wants to wait because of money and he just wants to be just us two. But he also wants us to have a baby. I feel the same way but I want a baby more than he does. Rexburg is full of babies and pregnant mothers, it's not helping lol.