TMI! Upset stomach 😩

SharLene • #girlmom💓

Hello I am 29 weeks and 6 days today the 17th. From I'd say 3-4 pm yesterday till now 1AM I have been experiencing a lot of diarrhea and cramping but just like a (have to use the bathroom) cramp. I started a iron tablet about 3 weeks ago and I remember when I first started it it gave me HORRIBLE gas and diarrhea for the first week I took it. I had to start taking it at night bc when I took it during the day and ate after I had to stay near a bathroom it was just horrible it would hit me out of no where and there was NO holding it!. So i don't know if the iron tablet has something to do with this. It's just worrying me a bit. I had looked up constant diarrhea during the third trimester and I seen where is said that it could be pre term labor or my body trying to go into labor. I called my doctor and he has not called me back so. I don't know what to do. My baby has been moving fine and I feel she is fine. Has anyone els experienced this?