Baby came at 35w1d

Kristin • 👶🏼9/14/17 👼🏻2/16/19 🤰🏻🌈due 3/2020

You may have seen my posts that we were following my low amniotic fluid and baby's growth. Well, on Thursday the MFM didn't find any cushion around the baby and he was squished and of course still breech so she sent me right away to have a c-section.

Beau Enoch Allison was born 9/14/17 at 4:53pm, 5lb 10oz, 18.5inches long. He came out kicking and screaming, and has been able to maintain his breathing, temperature and latched to the breast like a champ. We had a close encounter with low blood sugars and almost had to go to NICU but we supplemented with a little formula and have done well! We go home tomorrow. ❤️ I'm so in love. 😍