
So I was HU(not sex) with this guy for 2 weeks and the other night he told me he really liked me. The next night we were all hanging out and he was alllll over this girl and I was so hurt. So the girl he hu with was suppose to do it with another guy(let's call him MK). I was pissed and kinda drunk so I took her place with MK and we were hu and kept doing these things I didn't want I kept saying NO but he didn't stop. MK forced me to do somethings I didn't want (I didn't do those things thank god) and he got mad. So he was fingering me and purposefully scratched me in there.....I got out of the situation, but the next morning I come to find he broke my hymin. This story is for people to know when to get out. Please if u don't feel comfortable make something up if ur embarrassed but JUST GET OUT