Depression eating away at me

Emma • Expecting baby #1 January 4 2019 a beautiful baby girl and can not Wait to met her❤❤

So i got a positive pregnancy test YAY! You know first thoughts are always excited everything i went two days missed period that night after my positive test i had a very aqward and uncomfortable pain in my left hip and slip cramping up into my back woke up the next morning to very little bleeding then it progressed into heavy heavy bleeding and a lot of clotting bigger than usual and the past two days i just feel so depressed upset and not like myself 😞i told my fiancé I just see all the baby pictures ,ultrasounds, and positive test and i just now think i don't want that where before i wanted it more than anything but I'm definitely not against becoming pregnant again this is our 3rd miscarriage i want a baby but at the same I'm so heart broken and i told my SO a few months ago October we are supposed to get our tattoos and that i had a highly gut feeling we were going to become pregnant than and I'm also in collage. My sister became pregnant a month before her collage began and her and her fiancé stopped trying so i told my fiancé when we decide we aren't ready is right when we will become pregnant and right now i am but I'm not and in a tough situation and just upset and i have a high feeling next month its going to hit me like a rock into a windshield and reality will hit me harder than usual. Im sorry i had to 'rant' i guess 😞😞