Had my first scary moment with my 4 month old today 😭😭

So we had just gotten home from the store and I was about to start dinner.. My 3 year old went to her room and my husband sat our 4 month olds car seat on the couch and was unbuckling her when our 3 year old starts screaming and crying. I hurried to her and he also walked to the door to make sure she was okay. She fell and bent her finger back and it hurt but she was fine.. I picked her up and my husband and I both turned around to the couch to our daughters car seat flipping off the couch with her in it. She still had the straps around her but was unbuckled. I have never ran so fast in my life. She stayed inside on the car seat during the fall but slipped down some. She cried but not as bad as I would have thought and not for long. I was so scared she was hurt. We checked her over really good, she can move everything fine, no swelling or bruises anywhere and we kept her awake for 3 hours just to be cautious but she went back to her happy, smiley, hair pulling, drooling, grabby self. I held her and cried for awhile because it scared me SO bad and had me shaken up for a while.
