Just needing some support


Ill try to make my story as short as possible..

I have this boss and she was doing drugs at work so I went to the head above her and told them, right? Its for the safety of our work environment. I was doing my job by reporting it. so then everything changed. our relationship went from friendly to "I'm gonna make your life a living hell for telling on me". She is doing everything in her power to make work awful. shes turned all of the employees against me and she has me under a mircroscope finding every little thing wrong that I do. I couldnt take the negative atmosphere so I took another job and put in my 2 weeks.

Anyways - I messed up and made a small mistake at work (which everyone does once in awhile, we all have our off days) so she called me in for a meeting with her and another boss and they ganged up on me and yelled at me for the small mistake, calling me an awful worker and I shouldnt slack off just because my 2 weeks in and they hinted hard that they wanna fire me.

well that just made everything worse and so when I worked with my boss, I didnt wanna be in the same room as her so I found other things to do. She wanted to get me so she wrote me up for "not doing my job" and sent me home early.

and on top of this, ive been dealing with depression for 7 years and it started coming back so ive been having a hard time dealing with that and nothing has seemed okay right now and I'm having anxiety attacks all day and im scared to work with her. these last 6 days of work are gonna be so hard.