Pregnant Nanny about to be unemployed

Stephane • 💙M born 2/13/18💙 💗A born 12/20/19💖

I've been a nanny for 7 years, for 3 separate families. This last family I was open and honest about wanting my own family and they were totally on board with it and would allow me to bring baby with if/when I had one. Well I'm almost 5 months pregnant now with our first little one and found out on Friday that she is leaving her job to stay home (has nothing to do with me being pregnant but for personal reasons).

Of course I'm supportive and understanding of her situation. But now I'm in a bind, I'm looking for new a position that will hopefully be ok with my situation. I feel no one will want to hire a pregnant nanny that will need off for a couple months once baby is born. I've put my resume out there on at least 3 nanny sites and so far I've had only one response (out of at least 12 jobs applied for), and that response was "sorry but we aren't comfortable with someone bringing their own kid with."

I've considered an in home daycare, but we just don't have the space for it. And I would have to wait until after baby is born to open one cause of the time off I need. But that doesn't help me now or in a month when I'm done with this position. I could maybe get an office job, but I really wanted to take care of our baby and can't afford daycare. And unfortunately my husband and I can't afford to only live off of his income. Plus I really don't want to put that on my husband. At least I can get unemployment if I need to.

This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life right now. And I truly am happy and blessed to be pregnant. But for the first time in my life I feel unemployable, because I'm pregnant.

Just looking for some support, prayers, advice or suggestions from you lovely ladies!

God Bless!