Discouraged before starting IVF


So ladies I need help I am 28 with PCOS recently diagnosed with sever male factor as well, we are in the beginning stages of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and im already struggling......

My last period was Aug 23-28 based in this my RE wanted me to come in on Sept 11 for bloodwork to see if I had ovulated so I could start my birthcontrol pills. Well long story short I have had 3 blood draws now and have to go back in on Friday for the 4th to see if my hormone levels are where they should be to start BC.

Has anyone else had this happen? Could it be the PCOS preventing me from ovulating? (Shouldn't my doc know this and have a way to work around?) Maybe its just me being neurotic but I drive 1hr 45min to the doctor office for blood draws and then the same distance to go to work after I just dont want it to be for nothing.