I just don't know what to do anymore..

I feel like just crying right now. My fiance quit his job amd I'm sitting here struggling to pay bills. Ive paid every bill so far. His dad moved down and his grandparents are trying to find him a house to live in. his grandparents let us live in thier old trailer. Now his pawpaw is trying to get a loan for this house so we can move in it and pay bills...I'm sitting here stressed as hell and my fiance has no job. Currently looking. I barley get help with anything. He sits amd plays games on his Xbox and phone. Not even 30 minutes he's on his phone and he gets mad at this stupid game and punches a hole in the wall....the trailer his pawpaw let us stay in. He's like great now we wont be able to move...in thinking to myself its his dumbass that did it over some stupid game...I'm mentally tired with everything trting to take care of our 11 almost one year old son...I just feel like goving up.....