Gender disappointment

Hi my sisters i really need a help right now cause these bad feelings are killing me. I am 24 weeks pregnant with my second baby girl (my older daughter is 4years old). From the day i started this pregnancy i prayed that i have a healthy and a baby boy. I have always wanted a baby boy for myself and i even had picked a name for him (Mustafa). I prayed day and night in my every prayer i firstly wanted a healthy and than IMAN for my baby and my last wish was its gender. And i believed somehow that i indeed have a boy this time cause everything was so different than my first daughter starting from my symptoms and the way i carry everything was pointing to a boy when the doctor told me that its a girl i felt the worst feeling which i regret. I dont wanna feel this way i dont wanna feel incomplete but i cant control. Every friend of mine every family member thats pregnant are having boys except me. I know many of u will judge me but pls it wont help i already feel so sad that i cant stop these feelings and be happy that i am having a healthy baby. I know its wrong i know its sinful but i cant stop thinking what if i had a son. God knows everything and i know that there is a reason he didnt accept my dua but i just wish this time it was a boy as i dont plan on having a third baby (financially and mentally i cant do it) Pls give me advice cause i cant talk these things with anyone. Thanks for every advice