Clomid, Twins, Bicornuate Uterus, and Previous Stillbirth


I had an unexplained stillbirth at 23, after which I found out I had a bicornuate uterus. (supposedly not the cause, but will make pregnancy more high risk) Fast forward 8 years and I'm left with unexplained infertility trying to bring a baby home alive. I've had every basic test(all came back normal, so did dh semen), including an HSG and a lap this June which found and cleaned minor endo & then flushed my tubes. I'll be starting Clomid this cycle, and continuing for 3 cycles before going back for further testing if I dont become pregnant. The doctor said to do it days 5-9, but we have a 10 day vacation in October so I'm taking it 3-7 to try to avoid ovulation being too late - currently debating between taking it in the morning or at night. The one thing my doctor stressed in today's appointment was how "horrible" it would be if I got pregnant with twins, given my history and uterine abnormality - it would be very dangerous and high risk. Fingers crossed clomid works and we get ONE sticky baby sooner rather than later.♥️First try would be amazing.