started seeing a Fertility Doctor.

Courtney • 25. Married. pregnant with our rainbow twins🌈 👶🏼👶🏼

My SO and I started seeing a Fertility doctor this month..

For 11 months we BD'd at least 3 times a week, 3 days in a row around LH Surge. I used countless OPK's, took PregPrep, Premamma, my pre-natal vitamins, used the AVA Fertility bracelet and used my <a href="">fertility apps</a> religiously. I left my feet in the air for at least 10 minutes after BDing and we tried every position in the book. My SO took Clomid, PregPrep for men, and vitamins.

After doing this and trying so hard TC for 11 months with no success I was relieved, scared, and anxious as we met our doctor. Luckily the tests started before we even left our first appointment.

I have a hysteroscopy scheduled in a week to rule out any female factors (and am so nervous as I'll be put under anesthesia) but an ultrasound revealed I have a healthy number of follicles, eggs, and uterine lining.

My SO has low sperm motility and morphology. I'm not sure on exact numbers but will find out at my next appointment.

Praying my tubes aren't also blocked and that we find the best option to help us conceive. I'm worried about financial aspects and what our next steps may be, but am excited to get all of the "testing" phase out of the way.

Baby dust to all who may be in a similar boat, you're not alone!