My gyno sucks!


Went to the gyno thought I was pregnant... turns out my cervix is inflamed so I have cervicitis and the gyno refused to believe anything was the cause besides me having an sti she diagnosed me with acute cervicitis which most of the time comes from an for the last 3 days I sat here thinking my husband cheated on me this doctor gave me so much anxiety! Then I call 3 times today to get my results and they finally call me back and informed me my tests were all negative! So I don't have an std and my husband didn't cheat on me. And to top it off all over my file on my online portal she put in there I am way over weight and put she talked to me about weight loss and she did not say a word about my weight. I'm not skinny but I'm 5'7 and weigh 158 this lady just literally gave me so much stress and anxiety! Rant over.