labia tear? (may be tmi for some people)


So I had my baby 5 days ago. It was a pretty easy birth I felt no pain during, after, or now. Seriously I have not been one bit of sore what so ever I feel perfectly normal nothing has hurt me at all. I was told I didn't tear but something is definitely weird. So, I've noticed the last few days that there's been blood at the top of my labia, but I figured it was just blood that transferred from my vagina on the pad to the top. Tonight I realized that it wasn't transferring and that the blood was actually coming out of the top of my labia. First this normal? I looked it up and a lot of people said theirs tore so maybe mine did? Also a weird thing I've noticed is that my labia has become significantly smaller. I used to hate it and now I actually kind of like the look of it compared to what it was 😂 Is that normal that labias shrink or could it have to do with the bleeding? Sorry about the tmi!