it still haunts me

so last year around this time i was molested repeatedly and forced into intercourse by my ex's two closest friends... for the past few days its all thats really been on my mind... i dont want to bring it up to my current bf but i probably should.

so last year my ex dumped me a week exactly after our 5th anniversary for another girl. i was broken up about it for a while of course but his friends seemed to still want to hang out with me... which at the time i had no problem with... well one night i got a little tipsy and i rested for a bit. as i was coming conscious, i woke up to one of my ex's friends (we were all roommates at the time) at my bedside pants down and he had put my hand on his dick. i jumped up and he quickly stumbled out of my room. once i told my ex about it (stupid idea) he blew it off and told me that i must have been too drunk and imagined the entire thing. i still freaked me out and i didnt feel comfortable around that "friend" anymore. next occurance (same person) was when i changed rooms (this time i was near the laundry room) i woke up to him at my bedside at 4am completely naked this time!!! as soon as i woke up he tried hiding behind one of my shelves and i quickly screamed and he ran out of my room. (my bedroom lock was broken btw) that one made me the most uncomfortable and i never talked to him again. i quickly changed my room lock so he couldnt do it again.

finally his other friend would constantly ask me for sexual favors. i would always say no. then he would ask if i had ever thought about him and i. again i told him no. well, one day he had come over to the house i was rooming at (i was still rooming with my ex at the time) and i had just gotten off a shift (2am-12pm) and i passed out on the couch in the living room. after i woke up, i went downstairs to change clothes, and he came down into my room and started kissing me. eventually he forced his way into my pants and i remember him choking me. after he left i ran all the way down to the water and i balled my eyes out. i didnt tell anyone until a few months ago. and its still hard to really even talk about. T_T