Thanks Glow, I missed my window

I'm in my first month of TTC. Went off birth control in may so my body had at least three months to go back to natural cycles, which have been regular since June.

I decided to give it my best shot. downloaded Glow, bought a OPK and started charting my BBT.

My last cycle I had Mittelschmerz fairly quickly after my period ended so I had a feeling I'd ovulate early. Glow however predicted my fertile window for this week starting Sunday and my ovulation day for upcoming thursday.

On Sunday after BD I felt two slight stings in my lower abdomen. In the morning I also saw a VFL on my OPK as well as Monday morning.

Last night I tested again worried I'd miss out on my LH surge because of the only very faint lines the days before.

And this morning my BBT spiked. Up .8 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm pretty sure that means I have ovulated. Meaning that I missed my window thanks to Glow and only got to BD once before ovulation. And not only Glow was unreliable, the OPK also didn't really help.

Any advice on what to do to improve my chances next month to not miss my window?

Or how big are the chances I may have actually gotten pregnant by BC right before or on the day I (most likely) ovulated?