Lyndsy • Mother of 2 fur babies expecting Twins Feb 5 2021 🤰🏼🤰🏼First IVF Success!

I was just diagnoised with PCOS and let me tell you it was a big blow to all my future plans. I feel like a failure as a women to my husband and family. Of course my family tryes to make me feel better by saying Its all in Gods timing God had a plan for you. Well you know what Gods plan really sucks and honeslty if i haft to hear another motivational speach about Gods plan im going to exsplode. My chances of having a baby just went out the window because of this. Everyone iv talked to hast to get speicalist help when TTC now and i just dont have the money for that. I keep begging my husband to divorce me because i dont feel he should be stuck with a women who cant reproduce but of course hes hard headed and refuses to leave me. Im going to the dr next week in hopes they can do something to help but im not holding my breath.