Do you want to hear the truth? Or be flattered with a lie?

Jamie • BLESSED! I love my God, my husband, my kids and my country. Life is good!

Is it just me?

When I ask for advice, I want a completely honest answer. If you have to hurt me with the truth, I would rather THAT than for you to try to make me feel good by lying. I've always been that type of person.

‼️Being rude or disrespectful is not okay but some people do NOT seem to truly want you to be honest. Like, if you don't lie to them and flatter them, you're a HORRIBLE person.

Is truth not a thing anymore? Lol! Is it just me? Am I weird?

Not posting anonymously, but still, be HONEST!

Should we lie to each other or POLITELY and RESPECTFULLY be honest?

⚠️This is allowing for differences of opinion and relative topics, obviously.

(Wasn't sure of a proper group, sorry!)

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