Hot steamy sex

So last night I was super tired. I could tell my husband wanted some action but all I wanted to do was sleep. So we cuddled on the couch a little then decided it was bed time. As usual I kissed him goodnight and started to cuddle him. I was having like hot flashes so I just la yes next to him as close as I could with out getting to hot but still be affectionate. I then wok up a little while later to him kissing my back of my neck and stripping me down. I give him full consent that when ever he wants me he's aloud to even if I'm sleeping because obviously I'm going to wake up. I also feel like sex is better when I wake up already horny just makes sex that much hotter. Well last night was no different and things got real hit real fast. I couldn't help anything I was moaning and screaming through each orgasm. Well we live in an apartment complex and we always sleep with the window open. Me being half asleep figured my husband shut it well... he didn't. When we finished I sat up and took a drink of water to glance out the window to the neighbor across the yard sitting on his balcony jacking off. I laid down so fast and pulled up my blanket. My husband looked at me like I was crazy. I told him to look outside and he was so shocked. lmfao I can't even open up my blinds today I'm so embarrassed