Do you think I'm pregnant??


Okay so me and my fiancé have been trying to conceive a baby since May, couple months went by with no luck so we bought some Pre Seed to help our chances and I only used it this last cycle and I was tracking my cervical mucus and cervical positioning and when it was my peak day we used the pre seed...

My "period" came 5 days early and it only lasted 2 1/2 days and it was super light... my fiancé is a doctor and said that's probably "implantation bleeding"

Now I haven't taken a test yet but I read up a lot and I have a tracker app and if I was pregnant I would be 6 weeks... I've had headaches, diarrhea, nausea like 2 times but I never threw up, HUNGER, I wake up in the middle of the night starving and I can't go to bed unless I eat something, craving fruits and vegetables and chocolate, I have some light cramps and stings but they only last a couple seconds if that, I have lower back pain, I'm always super tired but I'm also a little depressed and I can't tell the difference...I have this weird feeling like when you're about to get your period and it feels heavy in your abdomen... but I never bleed. This is embarrassing but I also have had a lot more vaginal discharge and it doesn't smell or anything just a lot more and I have to pee a lot ... omg just give me your opinion??!! I'm dying of impatience!!😩😩

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