Fertility issues and a clueless “friend”

Tris • 💉👩🏼‍⚕️💍👫👼🏼

I’m sorry if this is rambling but I’m having kind of an off evening and would like some insight.

A month ago, my friend called me bawling because she found out she was pregnant. She didn’t want children (yet wasn’t protecting herself.... 🙄🙄🙄) And was debating abortion because this winter she wanted to do brewery tours and learn to ski.

Not. Effing. Joking.

At this point, my husband and I had been trying for almost 10 months and not understanding why it was not happening. We thought “sometimes it just takes time”

Last week I ended up at the doctors with a painful period that took me to my knees. Diagnosis, endometriosis. Okay. I can handle that. Next: tubal. Laparoscopic surgery to increase chances, but there are other factors as well.

In other words: no baby until surgery, near guaranteed.

Even worse: no surgery until either December or May. (I’m a FT nursing student and do not have the opportunity to schedule that with recovery time between classes and clinical.)

Insert friend: day of diagnosis, tells me that she is still not sure. I say nothing. Tell her she’s gotta do what she’s gotta do.

Then today sends me her US and says “he’s happy... I’m still not sure”. I respond with, healthy baby is best. (Idk what I’m even saying, I’m just pissed if at this point)

This “friend” knew we weren’t having any luck. She doesn’t know why and I’m still trying to deal with it myself and don’t want to necessarily tell her. How would YOU handle it?!? Because I am just sitting here crying and its not healthy for that to happen every time she texts me.