what do i do?

so i've grown up in the church my whole life and recently i've been questioning if sex before marriage is really that bad and i've caught myself wishing i didn't have such a strong relationship with God so that it wouldn't make me feel so bad when i do stuff i know i'm not supposed to do. these past few weeks i've barely even talked to God like haven't really prayed or opened my bible but still acknowledged and knew he was there. this past weekend i visited my brother at college and got tipsy and i stopped drinking but i didn't know how to feel about it like it just felt weird. this morning i had sex in the back of my car (willingly, with someone i trust that i respect and that respects me) and after i didn't feel bad about it but more of just weird like it felt like a dream and like it hadn't happened. i want to get on track with God but i really don't think i can wait till marriage and i kinda don't want to, i'm not sleeping around like crazy, this morning was my second time and i'm 16, so i'd make sure it was with someone i trust and love and respect and vice versa but i'm just confused on what to do, please help and don't judge💜