Nervous wreck!

Stephanie • 💕 34, nurse, wife, mom! TTC #2! 💖

Had our final OB appt today... baby is measuring quite big.. OB thinks at least 9lbs, so she doesn't want us going over a week. She decided to schedule our induction date for this Thursday. TWO DAYS! I am BEYOND excited!

First time mom, who was told at age 19, I would never have children. I'm 29, 30 in Dec, and am over the moon to have this opportunity. However, my anxiety is screaming at me.. I know she has plenty of clothes, her crib is all ready, blankets etc etc and I plan on breast feeding. I am just super nervous to be induced... and super nervous about labor itself.

We are 39 weeks and 3 days today, 2cm dilated and 90% effaced. I'm worried I won't dilate, we are trying to avoid a c section, my mom and grandma both had issues with this, and ended up with c sections. I also cannot have the epidural, due to having a severe side effect from the one I had received for my ankle surgery back in 2005. So if I were to have a c section, I would be knocked out and my hubby and myself would both miss her birth.

Probably just first time mama jitters and nerves... but just looking for some insight or words of encouragement! Thanks ladies!