I am so screwed...

Jacquelyn • 20 and in love with my best friend ❤️

Okay soooooo I'm 18. I live in my own house with my boyfriend and I work my own job and pay my own bills. I'm a senior in high school and I haven't gone to school for a full 5 days sense the first week... I know I need to go but I don't get home from work till 12-12:30 and sometimes later. I set alarms I try my best but I seem to sleep right through it all. I hate not going but I hate getting up so damn early it sucks and I just don't have the energy for it. Idk I really just wanted to get it off my chest tbh. Also I wanna know what you guys would do. Would you drop out and go to online school or just try harder? Cause tbh I have no idea what Ima do..