Anyone else have a super lazy baby?!

Kayla • 3 yr old baby girl born Jan 2017, baby girl #2 due Oct 2020

My daughter is almost 8 months and she's so lazy & stubborn! Lol She can sit up only when she wants to. She'll sit up by herself for a few minutes then she'll throw herself down and lay on her back. If I put her on her tummy she immediately rolls over to her back. Also she doesn't want to stand on her legs for more than a few seconds. As far as mentally/verbally she is constantly babbling (she can say mum mum and dada) and yelling and she can copy me if I make a sound or clap. Everyone keeps asking me if she's crawling yet or pulling up on things, etc. I'm like no she doesn't want to. People are like aren't you worried?? No, I can tell she knows how to do certain things but doesn't want to. Like I'll catch her sitting up so great and the next minute I sit her up and she acts like she can't 🤦🏼‍♀️ I just hate how people are trying to make me feel like there's something wrong with her. I get there's milestones and sometimes I feel like why isn't she meeting them when I see other babies her age doing so much more but I know that she'll get to it on her own time. Not to mention my baby girl has to wear a helmet bc she was full term breeched and it caused her head to be a little misshaped. So of course people see that an assume oh she's disabled or there's something wrong with her, no wonder she isn't meeting her milestones. Ugh I hate people! Anyone else have a lazy little one slowly meeting their milestones?