My bf is forcing me to have a at home birth


I'm 5 months pregnant and my bf is angry with me and punishing me because I don't want to have natural home birth. We met with a midwife she was very nice but we visited her at her home and it was very dirty , I felt uncomfortable. I decided that it wasn't for me. I told him from the beginning that we could check it out but I didn't say I was sure about doing it. This pregnancy has already been hard, physically , and mentally. My bf and I argue quite often. Well today we got into a huge argument and says I'm not pleasing him and I am not making a sacrifice for him by doing this for him. He says he's made sacrifices for me by buying me things, providing for me and my daughter (who isn't his) I tell him I appreciated all that but I never asked for this . I'm a stay at home mom I have no money . I feel miserable, I'm hurt and confused. He told me yesterday he wasn't coming home because he needs to clear his head. He already neglects me making me feel so unwanted., so I decided maybe I'd stay at my moms for a while and he gets mad! He's cursing at me telling me he " can't f***** deal with me" I'm starting to give in just to please him . I feel like I've made many sacrifices for this relationship . But he says it's not for " HIM" I've already given in to not vaccinating our unborn child which I don't feel comfortable with, he's says that's not enough. I feel controlled . What should I do? I love him . But I'm not sure if I wanna give birth at home I'm afraid .