I don't know why I'm so stupid…


So me and my boyfriend have almost been dating for a year. I love him to bits, we live half across the world from each other though, (him in England, and I'm in the US) and recently we gotten into some arguments. This is mainly because since I'm in school, I don't have as much time to call and talk on Skype as much as we used to during the summer, so he was feeling kinda lonely. We made up and I told him that I would do my best to make some more time for him. So when I have a break between school and work, a lot of times I will call him so that we can have some time to talk, because I know when I get home I will be super tired and not able to talk for very long. Fast forward a couple weeks, and I've started noticing that when I call him, he's not really talking with me. He's on his PS4 with his friends or on Skype with someone else so I feel a bit… ignored, I guess? It's mainly cause he'll ask me how my day is going and then when I start telling him, he'll interrupt me to talk to someone else and forget that he asked me. I don't want to be petty, because I know that I've ignored him before because I was doing homework, but I'm just starting to feel lonely. I feel like laughing and crying since now it seems I'm feeling what he was feeling, but I also know that he loves talking with his friends and I don't wanna take that away from him. Because whenever I try to tell him something like that, he feels pressured to change for me, and I know that he doesn't like that, and I don't like putting pressure on him. So I don't really know what to do… any help? I really just needed to tell someone. ☹️