I want to make friends, but I can not.

I have social anxiety and depression. All of my old friends are gone. I had to stop being friends with my best friend because she was going down the wrong path in life, and she tried taking me with her on multiple occasions. I had some online friends. We still talk from time to time but not as much as we used too because two of them back stabbed me and one of the two is in jail. The other one is always busy, and he is the brother of the one in jail. I want to surround myself with good people, but I do not know how. I think about making new friends, but I have not been talkative lately. I go through depression spells that can last months where I do not want to talk to anybody. I also have no clue what to talk about. If I ask a lot of questions trying to get to know the person, I am seen as nosy, but what else would I talk about then? Who would remain friends with someone like that?