I need advice..


So I'll start from the way beginning..

I was engaged to this guy, I fell pregnant when we were a year and 3 months together and 4 months engaged.

I moved to another city for this guy. After finding out I was pregnant I came back to my hometown to visit my family.

While visiting my fam he hardly speaks to me and after 3 weeks he sent me a message saying he doesn't want to be the father of my child and I must enjoy my life.

3 months pregnant and this man leaves me over text.

I play a game with my best friend on Tinder to see who gets the most likes within a week (yeah stupid game I know), but I start speaking to this guy.

We spoke for a month and he knew the situation I'm in. After a month we met and it was love at first sight. Honestly didn't think I could look at another guy that way after what happened, until he came along.

He accepted that I was gonna have a baby and all that. He was ready.

We're together a year and 3 months now, my baby is 9 months old. We're really happy and doing a good job at this parenting thing and we are serious about building a life and family together.

We been speaking about marriage, him adopting my son, us living together and having another baby when my son is around 3.

Now the problem is, he wants me to live with him and his family (he still stays with his mom and I still stay with mine).

I am not ready to live with his family yet though, the house they live in is too small anyway for me and my son to live with them.

We spoke about getting married next year sometime, but I am stuck between the thought of marriage while we still live separately with our parents and marriage after we get our own place together.

He wants it both super bad and wants it all to happen within a year.

We do not have the funds for this all to happen within a year.

Every time I speak to him about it mentioning that we should get our own place before marriage, he gets upset and tells me things like "But I thought you want to get married next year; it's going to be your fault for our marriage to be delayed; it's going to be your fault that me adopting A.J (my son) will be delayed."

I don't know what to do.