Thoughts on revealing gender?

Mrs ✨ • Baby #1 due 2/27/18!!!

So, I can't wait any longer than 20 weeks to find out the gender of our peanut. Therefore, there's no way I'm leaving that appointment with the gender in an envelope and plan a big reveal party around it. Nope. Can't do it. So my question is, how do we announce to our family?? I'd love to do a gender reveal get together for them, even though my husband and I will know already, but that's seems silly. We live about 3 hours away from all of our family, and individual phone calls seem lackluster, but it might come to that. I already have photos planned at a pumpkin patch to announce the gender to social media, but that's the only thing I've got. I'm absolutely open to ideas!! This is not only my first baby, but the first grandbaby of the family. No pressure, right? 😂🙃 Thanks ladies! ❤❤