My husband is addicted with his phone. He checks his phone while doing sleep ritual with our baby.


So frustrating. My husband is addicted to his phone. He said he has to be on top of his emails text because of his work projects. Lots of his work emails come from overseas at night time here due to time difference in Europe. He checks his phone during the dinner time. I have to talk loud and repeat the same thing because he is not paying attention.

I'm even more bothered when my husband checks his phone during the baby's bed ritual times. My husband is very dedicated to be the one who put the baby in bed, singing, bathing, diapering, feeding. In the midst of bed rituals, he checks his phone when his emails or texts come. The bright screen in the dark room with the baby and my husband not fully being present even few moments bother me so much. Or sometime he will be on speaker phone with his mother! I

tried to talk to him how much it can disrupt the baby's bed time rituals even he is still 5months old and may not full know what's going on. But I believe the 5 months old can still sense his father is not completely present with him. My husband thinks I'm focusing on too much details and doesn't know listen.

Can you please give me your input?

Thank you.