Not sure what to do...

My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We have 2 children and a 3rd on the way. In the beginning of our relationship we use to spend a lot of time together, we both enjoyed each other's company and rarely did anything without the other when it came to going out and what not. Fast forward to 4 years ago... My husband had just gotten out of the army, our daughter was 1 and everything went south.. We had rough patch after rough patch.. We're now 3 years later and have another baby and one on the way and we do nothing together. He started a new job a year ago, and since then has kept his job life with his new coworkers/ friends separate from his home life. All his new friends are single with no kids and so they always want to go to the bar or strip club's which has caused issues between me and my husband. Whenever they plan to get together it's always just him, and I'm never invited to go. They get together atleast 2 weekends out of the month. In the last 4 years I have had two date nights out with my husband with just him and I, and those are the only 2 times ive been out since having kids. im literally always with my kids. Im a STAHM. I've asked for us to have more alone time and instead of him and I doing things he chooses to be with his friends, even though he works with them monday-friday, and works out with them after work a few days a week.. I'm at a loss as to what to do.. I'm depressed, pregnant, and alone all the time for everything. I've told him how I feel and it's as if it doesn't matter to him or a big deal.. TIA, sorry so long.