

I am 39 years old and had a hard life. My family used to b there for me now they have disowned me and I don't even know y. My mom passed in 2010 so all I had was my dad,stepmom,step sister and 2 brothers. Now they want nothing to do with me or my kids but I am the only one they treated like this. Yes it hurts I never felt so alone and abandoned. Yes I been thru hell but never really bothered them with my issues I dealt with it myself. I can say 3 times in my life they helped me now I was told by a police who called my dad to come get me one day had a little agruement with my fiance and my dad told the cop she is not allowed here. Now what blows my mind is I have no idea y. My brothers and step sister don't even speak to me.Only God knows. By his grace I am holding it together. I am to the point to where I been thru to much for this now. They don't want me around I don't want to b around and what gets me the most is they claim to be Christians. It just adds to the pain of loss but my pain has been there all my life so I guess I am used to feeling this way . In the end its there loss I have my family my kids fiance and the good Lord above.