Relationship Advice..

Okay so this might be a bit long... I've been going out with this guy for about 2 months now and he's starting to get very clingy and weird. He's always fishing for compliments And saying that when I don't compliment him the way he wants me to that I'm mean. He's also very physically expectant of me. Expecting lots of kisses and gets mad when I want my space. I'm not a very touchy feely person and sometimes I just don't want to be touched. He doesn't get that. I was also sick this past 2 weeks with bronchitis and an ear infection. He picked a fight with me over not texting him enough even though I was on bed rest and the medications I was on made me drowsy. Now he's talking about how we "should" be having sex because we've been going out for 2 months and that makes me very uncomfortable. I'm 22 and while I may not be a virgin I don't feel comfortable even remotely exploring that part of the relationship just yet but he keeps saying "What do I get out of this more than friendship then?" I don't know what to do. I thought he was a nice guy but he won't respect my boundaries. Should I just break it off?