

Ok so I’ll keep this as short as possible...

Back story: found out after I had my son that baby daddy was engaged. He had a baby with her 6 months before I had ours. When I found out I told him to tell her and he said he would/did. I followed up multiple times because I kept finding out he was lying. After about the 4th time of this I told her because it was VERY clear he never would. He got mad at me but then made all these promises about wanting to be around for our son and how he was going to do better.

The fiancé was super nice, wanted the kids to meet, she even offered to help plan his first birthday party. She was all gung-ho about us meeting up, we even scheduled a time but she had to cancel because of a family event that came up and she was trying to do it without him knowing.

Anyways, during that time she added me on Instagram. Since then it’s been silence from baby Dad and it’s been over a month. Since she cancelled she said she wanted to reschedule. I followed up with her a few weeks ago and I’ve not heard anything. He’s incredibly manipulative so I have a feeling he coaxed her into pretending the whole thing never happened.

So here’s where I’m at, he is not seeing my son. There are many reasons why I’ve made that decision so please don’t say I’m being unfair to him because believe me I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt too many times. Plus if you can go over a month without acknowledging your kid... you don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways, I don’t know how things are in their home, but I don’t want him using her Instagram as a window into my life. I don’t want to close her out in entirely because given what I do know she very well could be trying to figure things out before we meet up or she leaves him. I dont have an issue with our kids meeting because after all they are innocent in all this. Soooo do I unfollow her or allow her to still follow me? Torn between closing that door but also potentially keeping it open for him. Hope that makes sense.

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