should I be concerned?

so my baby boy is almost 5 months old. my boyfriends sister and niece live right by us, so they come and visit us often. almost daily. his niece is about to turn 8 next week. so here's the thing. she's oddly obsessed with my baby. like everytime she sees him, she begs me to hold him, wants to watch him sleep, always in his face. but here's what really bothers me. Everytime I go to change his diaper, she begs me to let her watch. Just recently, my SIL just found out she's pregnant, and I figured the niece wanted to learn how to change a diaper. so I showed her how to do it a few time. But now it's gotten to where she asks me when I stand up with him, if I'm going to change him and if she can watch. there's been times she's watched and stares at his privates. the other day, my boyfriend got up for work and had his boxers on and didn't know they were here and walked in the living room, saw them and went back to the room and got dressed immediately. So last night, after they left, I talked to him about it and told me it makes me uncomfortable but I didn't know if I'm being too protective or what. And he told me he's noticed it too and that when he was in his boxers, he caught her staring at his junk. Both me and him have been sexually abused as children, so we're both very uneasy about it. So are we being crazy? or is this normal? I get that she's at the age where she's curious, but I feel like this is too much... what should we do?