Work Issues

So I've barely had any hours at work recently. Especially after they hired in a new girl who is supposed to be extra. Since I started, nearly 2 years ago, I was told I was full time 36-40 hours a week. My check this week … was for 38 hours. Yes, that's for two weeks.

Aside from that I was to of had a raise at 1 year. Seeing as how they didn't even get close to my minimum asking wage they told me show the hire ups and docs how hard of a employee you are and what you can do for the company. So I brought in 4.5 MILLION in sales. My boss told me at my year that since they had just hired new hire ups it would be a little bit before my raise was coming, but it was coming. Fast forward nearly 10 months and here I am asking for the second time ((first was about 8 months after my year)) if my raise is coming as I'm coming up on my two years, my boss yelled at me and said not only did I get a raise, but I got .25¢ more … 25 cents!? After a profit of 4,583,016.032!!??!!?? Is this real?????

So my boss would like me to come in today to add to the 38 hours for the last two weeks I barely worked. She'd like for me to be in the back stocking boxes for what she said is over 4 hours of work …

Long and super shortened story I texted her and said since you don't really need me today and the few hours ((it literally will take like and hour and a half, this is not the first time "4+ hours of work" popped up for me)) wont make a dent on the paycheck I'm going to use this day to get things done here, schedule appointments, enroll the kiddos in things, etc.

That's when she texted me I have 4+ hours of cleaning and stacking boxes. This is not my job description, I'm a NURSE yes I am grateful for the option of hours but something that is beneficial. I've played this game with her plenty of times already and it always ends up me stretching the time as much as I can and getting told to hurry it along because I can't be on the clock for "side jobs" too long, it's frowned upon.

My question, what should I do!? I LOVE what I do, the docs, the patients, even my boss, I just feel under appreciated and like the "trophy" for the company. I don't want to leave tho others say I should because I should be recognized for more ((even employees)). Thanks for taking the time to read me pouring my heart out. I just need some good advice.

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