Should I be worried?

For some background, the first several months of our relationship I found out my bf was messaging other girls on Instagram, Facebook, etc. I found out and we worked through it. I'm not really one to put up with that shit. Yes, I'll give you one chance but I would honestly leave him if I saw he was still emotionally cheating. I will not put up with that shit again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I just wanted to make that clear. But that's why I'm confused on how I should go about this. He's stopped messaging these girls, and stopped liking their pictures. But on Instagram he's always watching the same 4-5 girls stories but usually no one else's. These girls are I guess you would say are "local Instagram girls". They're not models with a million followers or anything but they're localish with a big following and very pretty. For all I know these girls are some of the girls he was previously messaging. Which honestly I believe they were because he messaged tons. I know he's technically not doin anything wrong just watching their stories. But his track record in the past makes me think he still loves to "mind fuck" these same girls. Should I leave it alone? Or tell him it bothers me because I don't understand what's so special about these Instagram girls, that are local. I don't care that he watches porn. Not at all, but i feel he's crossing lines with girls that are local.

Can y'all please help? Because I know he's not talking to girls anymore, we're in a good place. Doing very well and have done a lot to keep our relationship moving forward but I don't know, I just don't like that. Please don't judge, I really am just not sure if I should leave it alone or not because he's technically not cheating. Please help.