Not feeling important

This a more of a vent...

My husband is not good at getting me presents or planning surprises. I normally don't care. But sometimes I just really want to feel special. Whenever there is a special occasion for him his birthday, anniversary, a promotion at work, or any kind of achievement I go all out for him. On the flipside when it is something going on in my life like my birthday, anniversary, my achievement at work etc... it usually doesn't get the same attention. There have been just a few times when he has actually wowed me and I spent forever thanking him and telling him how much I appreciated it. Now the only time he does something special to me is when I ask. It makes it somewhat less special if I have to ask for it… Know what I mean? And I'm not asking for something big. Just surprise me with a night out. Occasionally bring Flowers home. Write me a card or love note...

I have explain these things to him. All he can say is he just doesn't think that way.

I got an award at work, kind of a big deal. I need told him that I wanted to celebrate. This was a few weeks ago now... He finally asked me last night if we could go out on a date tonight. He told me to be ready by six. Just before six I texted him and asked if there was something special I should wear or be prepared for. He didn't respond. 30 minutes pass, then it was after six and I called him, he rejected my call but responded with "I can't talk right now I'll call you later" as a text. 15 minutes after that I finally get a text from him saying sorry and that he has to finish some stuff at work. Also, that he's being recognized at work as employee of the quarter and has to do a write up before he leaves. It's always something… i'm super proud of him for doing well at work. I am.

But literally something always comes up that takes priority over me.

It can't ever be just about me.

So I'm solidly in my second trimester. Hormonal. Feeling rejected.

Just feeling sad.

It's after 8:20pm... he just texted that he's leaving in 5min... we'll see

I have to be at work by 8am tomorrow...

I can't do that late of a night.

I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

I just want to feel important...