Husband plays video games

He plays them allllll day long. Sometimes I don't care because I want my alone time. Sometimes it bothers me. Well tonight it was like middleness of caring. But when I tried talking to him and he said "can't talk right now" except he could talk to his friends on the game... I got mad. And then I heard his little comment after "sorry guys you can blame my wife" So when I have attitude later in the night he asks me why. I said because I didn't appreciate how he talked to me. He tells me to burn a bridge and get over it. Thanks for caring about my feelings 👌🏼 especially when I'm pregnant. Good choice 👍🏼 well apparently I must've did the usual eye roll or something because lord have mercy did he go on a rant. Blah blah blah I don't hang out with friends in real life. I play video games. Do you feel neglected is that was it is? Why is it every time I play video games you act like this? So by this point I'm pissed because he completely ignored my feelings and is now just "yelling" at me. So of course I'm going to ignore your ass. I mean. Do I really need to answer your questions? I feel like you just answered them yourself. Well he annoyed TF out of me so I walked away and locked myself in the room "there you go walking away like always". In my head I'm saying ya cause you won't shut the fuck up. Well this fucker used a key to unlock my door!! Leave me the fuck alone! Who does that?! No privacy. That upset me more. And he's just going on again saying the same shit. Me, still ignoring him. Finally he walked away and put our son to bed. Well now I have to pee and I don't want to go out there and chance running into him. I should have an SOS cup on standby.